Artist Tsun-ren Huang entered National Taipei Teachers College (now National Taipei Univer- sity of Education) in 2001 and was introduced to pottery art by mentor, Professor Sen-hao Lo. Huang received a Master’s degree in pottery art in 2009. In 2010 and 2011, he was the art- ist-in-residence at Ho-cheng Cultural & Educational Foundation and was responsible for glaze development and research in oil spot Tenmoku. Between 2012 and 2014, Huang set up his personal studio and introduced the Chi Tao Ren Pottery Art Studio(棲陶仁陶藝工作室)at the end of 2014. His works mostly include oil spot Tenmoku and Zen tea ware.
2001 年進入臺北師範學院(今國立臺北教育大學),受羅森豪教授啟蒙陶藝之路,並於 2009 年取得陶藝碩士的資格。2010 至 2011 年於和成文教基金會擔任駐工作室藝術家,負 責油滴天目的釉色開發,潛心研究天目。2012 至 2014 年籌備個人工作室,並於 2014 年末 正式成立「棲陶仁陶藝工作室」,主要以油滴天目及人文禪風茶道具為發展方向。