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Speaker: Authors participating in the Chawan Festival
●Session1 9/12 (Tue) 15:00-16:00
●Session2 9/13 (Wed) 10:00-12:00
●Session3 /9/13 (Wed)13:00-14:30
Each speaker will have a 30-minute(including translation) to share their personal creative experience and ideas.
Location: Northern Miaoli Art Center-R128
Free to Participate

France 法國
9/12 (Tue) 15:00-15:30

Singapore 新加坡
Alvin Ng
9/12 (Tue) 15:30-16:00

Taiwan 台灣
Evans Kao 高建忠
9/13 (Wed) 10:00-10:30

Taiwan 台灣
Chia-Hung Tsai 蔡家閎
9/13 (Wed) 10:30-11:00

Taiwan 台灣
Yu-Ting Teng 鄧羽婷
9/13 (Wed) 11:00-11:30

Slovenia 斯洛維尼亞
Anja Slapničar
9/13 (Wed) 11:30-12:00

Spain 西班牙
Miquel Segura
9/13 (Wed)13:00-13:30

Spain 西班牙
Marta Murgades
9/13 (Wed)13:30-14:00

Chia-Heng Hsieh 謝嘉亨
9/13 (Wed)14:00-14:30