Understanding the Six Major Types of Teas
Host by: Tea Semi-Understanding Farm
Speaker: Rui-Lin Hsu 許瑞麟
Date & Time: 9/10/2023 (SUN)
First Session: 13:30~14:30, Second Session: 15:00~16:00
Fee: 500 NT$/person
Quota: 30 participants per session
How are teas categorized? In Chinese tea culture, teas are divided into six categories based on the color of the tea soup, commonly known as the "Six Major Tea Types" - Green, Yellow, White, Oolong, Red, and Black. These six basic categories are widely accepted and allow for communication across the world. Later, researchers proposed new variations such as Red Oolong and Flower Tea.
Clear soup with green leaves offers a refreshing taste, while yellow soup with yellow leaves provides a more introverted flavor. Participants will have the opportunity to experience the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch-pressure) in relation to the six major tea types.
